Monday, August 15, 2011

8 months and top toutou - well nearly!!

Had a long car ride today and ended up near Vire at a dog show!!!  It was in aid of Guide dogs for the Blind and there were loads of dogs there - tiny, tiny ones, medium sized ones and really big ones (like me!!!!)Dad weighed me the other day and I am just over 40kgs.

Anyway after lunch it was my turn in the ring with the big dogs - everyone said I was beautiful and took lots of pictures. Said hello to the other dogs: Eric the Bernese Mountain dog, a huge St Bernard, some Alsations and a lovely white labrador.

I didn't win, but got a few bits and bobs for entering.

Then I met G Bacchus!! He is 4months old and we got on like a house on fire. His owner said it was a pity I couldn't have babies because I was so pretty.

Happy 8 month birthday Ferlo!!
A la prochaine

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