Monday, August 29, 2011

Party in the Woods

My lovely friends Jill & Tony invited mum, dad and me to their annual party in the woods.
After  showers all day, the sun came out and  it was a very pleasant evening.
First of all we had a drink and listened to classical music, played live by a couple from Ireland.

Then supper, followed by the humans doing some strange things on the grass - I think they called it dancing - all very hilarious in my eyes!!!

As the clock ticked on towards midnight, mum  said it was time tp go home, so we packed our picnic things and headed across the little bridge to our car.
Note to Florrie: what happened on the bridge - it's our little secret OK??

Sunday  - mum was up at 6am - why?  I stayed at home while mum and dad went off with car packed with stuff. Evidently it was our villages' annual vide grenier.  Mum & Dad usually have a stall with Anna, but this year they had so much stuff they had their own!   Later on dad came back and we both went down. Mum had sold quite a lot - even my cage had gone!!!

Lunch was a pleasant affair in Charlies courtyard, with my firiends who also had stalls. Played with Charlie, before a siesta, while mum was back selling more stuff!!
Finally packed up and came home about 5ish - what a long day!!

A la prochaine


  1. Don't worry Freya, I will never tell a soul about what happened on that bridge on that dark and fearful night. Florrie

  2. Loved photos of the party. It was a good night.

    You behaved beautifully Freya.
