Monday, August 8, 2011

Visitors and a BIG hole!!

2 visitors arrived on Friday - and I barked at them!. This is the first time I have barked and everyone was so amazed!!  After a while I got used to them and wasn't shy anymore. On Saturday Alan wanted to see some WW2 sites so off we went. The first stop was a German cemetary at La Cambe. I wasn't allowed in - but had a nice wander round while Alan and his son Andrew took a look.

Onward then to Pointe du Hoc. This was better I could wander round as well.  Wow - someone (or something) had made some seriously big holes there - puts mine to shame!!

Note to self - must try harder!!!

On Sunday as usual we went to a vide grenier, but stopped on the ay home for some lunch at a cafe. Who should be there - but Charlies mum and dad!!!  As they finished before us - I went home with them to see Charlie and wait for mum and dad in his garden.
Chalie and me had a lovely time playing until it was time to go home.

As I have been good - can I go to the beach tomorrow?

A la prochaine

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