Mum seems to have been gone for ages - but she's back now so I can get up to date with my blog. Evidently she has been in London doing something for the Olympics and gadabouting all over the city.
She even had a go at ice sculpture - what do you think? It is supposed to be a husky head!! Well she was pleased with it (doesn't take a lot these days to please her - he!! he!!)
Well as many of you know, my blog disappeared just before mum went - IT WAS ALL HER FAULT!!
While putting the video of me and Scooby on Utube (Click here if you haven't seen it She accidently put my birthday in the info rather than her own (accidently? - p leease), but as you have to be over 13 to have a google account, they closed mums account therefore removing my blog.
Mum had to write and explain and it took quite a few days before it returned. Cheeky things - did they really think that a 1 year old dog can write a blog?
Anyway it's all sorted and we are back on the internet ( hooray)
Love having mum back and looking forward to a run along the beach soon with her and dad.
Mums new year resolution - do you really want to hear it?
She is going to try and do my blog in French as well as English (well good luck to that is all I can say!!)
Seriously - I hope she does OK with it so my brother Ferlo and my dad D'Angelo will know what I have been getting up to here in Normandy.
A la prochaine
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