Couldn't figure out why everything was going in the car on Friday morning - but as long as there was room for me - I was happy.
It seemed an awful long time before we stopped - but it was only for a short while - then we were off again. another short stop, some more driving and we arrived in Cluny. We were staying in a lovely Chambre d'Hote just outside the town. We walked into town and found a camp site where there were loads of dogs - just like me!!! Everyone said hello to me before we walked back - boy was I tired!!
Saturday dad drove to the camp site (much better!). there were even MORE dogs there today. It was raining and quite cold - but us Leonbergers are tough dogs and just shook off the rain and carried on. We were just walking round and someone came up and said hello. It was Tony - who owns my mum Bea! He had 2 dogs with him - Sky and Molly. Sky was a bit skitish so I just said a quick hello, but Molly and I got on well.
Me and Molly
Both past their tests with flying colours. We met some more friends and they had 2 very little puppies with them - so cute! They were from the Bavaruki kennels. Dad and Tony helped them put up their caravan awning.
After a wander round Cluny we went back to the camp site.
We stayed for dinner and had a good time with Isabelle and her friend. Mum and dad practised their french for hours!!!
Sunday - more rain so mum put her wellies on!!
We met up with Tony again and Jane was with him so mum & dad had a good old natter to them.
The dog show was to choose the Leonberger Champion of France. 300 or so dogs had entered - so it was going to be a loong day.
This time Tony and Jane had brought Sky back and another big dog. He is my grandad Casper!!! He was lovely and cuddly and very nice to me.
So many dogs, but no fights or a lots of barking - amazing!
Very very tired when we got back,
then another long drive home!!
So loved being with my own breed - can I have a little brother to play with daddy - pleease?!!!!!
More photos on mums facebook page! A la prochaine
go on........have another one!!