Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunset over the Quarry

What another hot day! Mum says it is the last one - hope so I can't seem to get going until it cools down. Have drunk so much water - there can't be much left in Normandy!!!

Anyway - we went somewhere new this evening. It was an old quarry that has been turned into a lake and nature park.   First thing we did was to go down to the water, I just jumped straight in and had a long swim - so refreshing!

We strolled round the lake and watched the sunset. 

We also saw some boys jumping off the  edge into the water. Dad said they were mad as it was rather rocky near the edge and they had to run and jump so they missed them.

Another play in the water before home for tea and  a nice snooze on the porch.

Wonder if it will rain tomorrow?
A la prochaine

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