Thursday, September 29, 2011

A hot and busy day!!

Hasn't it been hot?  The temperature reached 28.5 degrees here today. Dad says that is really hot for September.

So - we went out for lunch at a little restaurant  at St Marie du Mont - luckily the lady pulled the sun canopy down so I was in the shade.

After that we headed for Utah beach. There were quite a few people there and the tide was IN!!!!

I headed straight for the water - oohhh it was so cool  - lovely!  After a while we came out and sat on the beach for a while. I, of course, dug a hole!!!!

When we got home, I was just settling down for a siesta,when we had visitors!!!   It was Norman & Anne and they had brought their dog Sasha along to play!

We played for a while and had a nice long drink - before she went home for tea.

It is supposed to be very hot over the weekend - so I hope either we visit the beach again or mum gets my boat out!!!

A la prochaine.

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